Neonatal Feeding & Medication Delivery

Synecco developed and manufactured two generations of feeding and medication delivery devices for premature infants, partnering with US company NeoMed. Generation 2 enabled our customer’s navigation of a new standard, secured valuable IP, ensured they were first to market with compliant solutions, which accelerated their growth and led to their acquisition.

US multinational
Neonatal Enteral Feeding

Delivering human breast milk, feed, supplements and medication to premature infants requires a range of devices and accessories to interact seamlessly, precisely and intuitively for these most vulnerable patients. Add in a new international safety standard and things get even more complex. ISO80369 was introduced to reduce the risk of misconnection between all medical devices, with ISO80369-3 2016 (connectors for enteral applications) the first to change. This disruption presented our customer with both significant challenges and opportunities.


Synecco developed a range of fluid management devices that complied with the new safety standard, solving its required usability and efficacy issues. Our design challenges included ensuring these larger more complex connectors were easier to clean, accommodated oral dosing, complied with challenging tolerances and were efficient to manufacture. We succeeded in bringing the new range to market ahead of larger competitors, gaining our customer a leading position in this increasingly competitive field.

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Delivering novel and intuitive features in paper or in CAD is easy. Ensuring that these features are optimized for cost effective and high volume DFM is where real, practical, and multidisciplinary creativity is required.

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This program required the close collaboration of our client and all disciplines within Synecco – PMs, Industrial designers, usability engineers, mechanical engineers, process development engineers, NPI engineers and production engineers.